Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Challenging Arrival to McArthy, Alaska

As we were riding to McArthy. Great ride, but challenging weather conditions. We can't let the weather stop us.

Denali Highway

Great pic of all four of us on the Denali Highway. :-)

Mcarthy Alaska

Jorge making taking a quick break on the front porch of a small house in Mcarthy, Alaska.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Moose Foot Print in Alaska

Our hunter, Jorge, observed this moose foot print off the Glen Highway. Huge animal.

The Magnificent Denali Highway

What a privilege to have lunch with this magnificent view.

Kuskulana River Bridge

Daniel Perez Liston, PhDTaking a break "on" the Kuskulana bridge :-)

Denali National Park

Here's a pic of my buddy Aradio at the entrance of Denali National Park. Getting to "see" Mt. Denali was impossible with the cloudy, rainy weather. They say a typical visitor only has about a 65% chance of seeing the mountain.

Kennicott Glacier Alaska

Here some pics of the Kennicott Glacier in Alaska. Best plane ride ever!

Top of the World Highway

Some of the road conditions we encountered while riding through top of the world highway, not for the faint of heart.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Denali National Park

Daniel Perez Liston, PhDWe arrived yesterday and camped at the park. We were greeted by a large moose and her baby. What an experience.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Top of the World Highway

Yesterday we had the best ride of the entire trip! We rode from Dawson City to Chicken Alaska. The road conditions were pretty bad at first, lots of mud, fog, and rain. After 50 grueling miles, the rain finally stopped and the fog went away. Hope you enjoy the pics as much as we enjoyed this incredible and memorable day of riding. ;-)

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Watson Lake

Daniel Perez Liston, PhDYesterday we rode from Watson Lake to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory in Canada. The ride was incredible! Long distances and just an amazing place to ride. The distances are worse than in Texas, jajaja. We rode about 300 miles. Got caught in some rain then stopped about 40 miles from Whitehorse and had an a snack over looking the lake, the view was spectacular! Feel blessed to be riding with my buddies. I'll keep updating as we continue our journey. Today we reach an important milestone for the trip, we enter Alaska! :-)

Monday, February 29, 2016

Seattle to Alaska!!!

       Ok, so we finally have a date (it's not easy that all four of us agree on dates, especially with Jorge). We are set to fly to Seattle on July 28th, 2016. We will go to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska (the northern most point you can travel on a highway on this continent) and then head back to Calgary, Canada, where we will store the bikes again. I'm so excited. We still got five months to go, but I can't wait! This should be the trip of a life time.
       Here's a link to Prudhoe Bay's wiki page:


       Still haven't finished planning the trip on the Tire software (GPS file), but here's a shot of some of the work I've done. I'll post the entire route in a month or so.